Name: - Dave
Nimesh B
M.A. Sem: -
Paper No :- 12 ( The English
language Teaching )
Topic: Grammar Translation method and The Direct
Year :- 2015-16
To :- Department
of English ( MKBU)
Grammar Translation Method:-
The Grammar Translation method is centuries old method.
this method was adapted by teachers who were engaged in teaching of Classical languages
like Latin or Greek. In Western countries learning Latin or Greek was the activity
of the scholars. so this method is known as The Classical Method. because it is
very useful in learning the languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Latin, Greek
v this method is very popular among the average teacher because
it is easy to use in the classrooms. However,
this is the method which has created the distance between English language learning
and its use.
defines this method
"Under the translation method, the meaning of English
words, phrases, and sentences is taught by means of word for word translation into
the mother tongue".
Mother tongue has dominated the activities to be carried out in the classroom.
This method is based on two philosophical principles:
A foreign language can be easily learn through translation.
is soul of the language.
According to Thompson
and Wyatt three principles on which this method based are
interprets foreign phraseology best.
The foreign phraseology is best assimilated by the learners
in the process of interpretation.
The structure of a foreign language is best learnt when
compared and contrasted with the mother tongue.
Characteristic of this Method:-
- The mother tongue dominates in this method.
- Classes are taught in mother tongue with little active use of target language.
- vThe unit of teaching is word and not a sentence means vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated words/forms.
- English grammar is taught through rules, definitions, translations and comparative study of mother tongue grammar.
- It believes in teaching the language by rule rather than by use. the teaching of English is carried out with explanation of grammatical rules.
- It considers grammar as the soul of the language.
- there is no scope of building linguistic competence in learners.
- The main function of language learning communication is ignored.
FOLLOWING are the merits in this method:-
- The full use of mother tongue increases the vocabulary of the pupils.
- the unlimited use of the mother tongue makes teaching activity very easy.
- it is economical because it saves the time and energy of both teacher and student.
- it is very effective because pupils are able to understand words, phrases, and sentences are translated into the mother tongue.
- By this method, a strong memory bond is established because the child associates the foreign phraseology with that of his mother tongue.
- There is no place for vagueness of meaning in this method, thus it provides clarity in understanding of words.
- It creates exactness and definiteness because of translating words, phrase or sentence into the mother tongue.
- In this method child proceeds from the known to the unknown; this gives him a better understanding/comprehension of what is learnt.
- the working knowledge of mother tongue helps them to learn the grammar of foreign language.
- we can test comprehension of our pupils by this method.
- it develops art of translation.
- it is useful in explaining differences between structures and sentences of English and native language.
- it can be easily used in overcrowded classes.
- this methods does not emphasis on basic skills like Speaking, Listening etc.
- it has no provision for teaching certain spoken aspects like articulation, intonation, pause, pitch etc.
- there are some words , idioms, and phrases in English for which word to word translation in mother tongue is not possible, for example preposition and prepositional phrases as they create variety of meaning when they used.
- literal translation ruins the sense and beauty of sentence. it also fails to arrest the soul of the word and the mind of the author.
- -English language has some structures which cannot be translated into mother tongue. example-Article-A, An ,The.
- it does not create direct bond between thought and expression. children begin thinking in mother tongue first and then they think in English. thus it prevents them from thinking directly in English.
- over emphasis on grammar makes the teaching process dry and burdensome.
- it gives rare opportunity to children to participate in discussion of the unit.
- it favors to teach English by rules and not by use. Dr. Ballard says " to speak any language whether native or foreign , entirely by rules is quite impossible".
- it neglects silent reading skill which is most important in reading journals, periodicals, newspaper, and common English books.
- the method is psychologically wrong as it gives stress on the use of eye and totally ignores the use of ear.
- in spite of these demerits, it can be stated that it is used by teachers of English extensively and thus it is used wisely and discriminately, it can be prove very useful in teaching of English.
The Direct Method:-
An attempt to teach
the language as one could in learning mother tongue is known as the Direct Method.
it is also known as the Natural method because
the characteristics we observe in language
teaching is similar to acquisition of L1.(First language). it is very difficult
to bring exact environment in which L1 or MT ( Mother tongue) is acquired. so later,
the same method became popular as the Direct method.
the method existed
against the grammar translation method. much use of mother tongue and undue teaching of grammar
made the teaching of English is a mechanical activity and the learners were acquiring the knowledge
of the grammar instead of the language.
The learning a second
or foreign language is not a natural process. it is on the will of the learner to
learn for his own development. so teaching of English as a L2 or FL by observing the principles of language
acquisition is The Direct Method.
Origin of this Method:-
The method is originated
in France in 1901. The principles of this method came from Germany and were popularized by the international
phonetic association of France.
Explaining the meaning
of The Direct Method, H. Champion writes The Direct Method is a method of teaching
English directly. to teach English directly is to establish a direct or immediate
association between experience and expression,
between English words, phrases or idiom and its meaning. in other words , establishing
in connection with English is the same habit of direct.
Felix Frank says
that the moment a concept (meaning) and foreign
words are intimately brought into contact without the intervention of the native words we have the
direct method.
The meaning of this
method is given in Webster's new international
dictionary as " a method of teaching a foreign language , especially
a modern language through conversation, discussion, and reading in the language
itself without the use of pupils own language without translation and without the
study of formal grammar. the words are taught by showing objects, pictures or by
performing actions.
classroom instruction
was conducted exclusively in the target language.
only everyday vocabulary
and sentences were taught.
oral communication
skills were built up in a carefully graded profession organized around question
and answer exchanges between teachers and
students in small, intensive classes.
Grammar was taught
New teaching points
were introduced orally.
Concrete vocabulary
was taught through demonstration, objects and pictures. abstract vocabulary was
taught by association of ideas.
Both speech and listening
comprehension were taught .
Correct pronunciation
and grammar were emphasized.
These principles are
seen in the following guidelines for teaching oral language, which are still followed
in contemporary Berlitz schools.
Never translate:
Never explain:
Never make a speech:
ask question
Never imitate mistakes:
Never speak with single
words: use sentences
Never speak too much:
make students speak much
Never use the book
:Use your lesson plan
Never jump around:
follow your plan
Never go too fast:
keep the pace of the students
Never speak too slowly:
speak normally
Never speak too quickly:
speak naturally
Never speak too loudly:
speak naturally
The understanding
of English becomes easier.
the pupils mind goes
straight from meaning of English word and from English word to its meaning. so they
understand directly whatever they hear or read.
pupils acquired good
habit of speech in lading the use of proper pronunciation, intonation, pitch, and
it develops fluency
of speech and writing.
According to Macnee
" The direct method is the quickest way of learning and expanding vocabulary.
the reading of English
becomes easy and pleasant by the techniques
and activities on the part of both teacher and taught.
the lesson becomes
more interesting and effective by the use of objects, pictures, charts, models, actions
it aims at the practical
command of the language which paves the way for critical study.
this method is Psychologically
sound because it follows the principles of education , via 'proceed
from particular to general', from concrete to abstract , practice to the theory.
it helps in bringing
the words of passive vocabulary into active vocabulary.
the method appeals
to eye and ear both.
English atmosphere
is maintained by way of using English in
the teaching process to maximum extent.
it is learn through
Inductive approach.
it observes the scientific
path of language acquisition:LSRW.
the language cannot
be mastered with the help of rules; it is better govern with use.
it enables learners
to enjoy the language, so learners start using the language without fear.
this method is not
helpful to average students because it aims at the active command over the language.
this method ignores
reading and writing aspects of language.
it can be useful only in the hands of an efficient and resourceful teacher who has a remarkable command over spoken
English. it is very difficult to get the meaning of words like Chastity, honesty,
generosity etc. the teacher has to spend a lot time in planning and designing activities
so he cannot concentrate on many classes at a time. this method is not feasible
in overcrowded classes.
According to Huse
" Visual presentation is more effective than purely auditory or vocal. all children are not linguistic minded . such children
cannot benefited by this method. it is very difficult and expensive method because
our school cannot provide sufficient equipment and facilities.
Menon and Patel say,
" The Direct method was tried in India
for number of years but it failed to yield
the expected dividends in terms of the children’s progress. it is useful at early
stage not at higher stage.
Thus, both methods
are useful in teaching of foreign / second language.
Work Cited
Richards, Jack c. and Theodore s Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language teaching. Cambridge university press, 2001.
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Over all your assignment is good. You described very well. But if give conclusion and add your ideas about it then it become more effective. According to you which method is better in standard 7?
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