Name: Dave NIMESH B
M.A. Sem: 2
Paper No. (8-c) Cultural Studies
Assignment Topic: Poststructuralism and Deconstruction-Jacques Derrida-Michel Foucault-Gayatri Spivak
- Introduction
and Deconstruction terms are mainly
associated with the work of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Deconstruction and Poststructuralism provided
a radically new approach to language, narratives and interpretation.
Derrida and difference
For, Poststructuralism
‘language is never stable’.
Meaning is the result of the
difference, and this process of differentiation is endless.
Meaning is never present in the
sign, simply because the sign refers to (yet) another sign, which is not here.
For example:-
In order to understand the term
‘cat’, we need more words like ‘animal’, or
‘four-legged’, or ‘organism’.
Then we need to understand ‘animal’, ‘organism’ using
words like ‘living’ or ‘non-human’, which in turn requires an explanation and
understanding of ‘human’ and ‘life’.
Notice how each term can be
explained through newer terms.
Thus reading or interpretation is
the movement through the chain of signs, seeking a temporary meaning from/at
This suggests that Every signifier (word/sign) leads not to a
stable end- signified, but to more signifiers.
This implies that Meaning is never
fully graspable, and the final meaning is always postponed (differed).
A sign may be reproduced any time
any place ( the iterability or repeatability of sign).
Thus it can be made to mean
differently each time it repeats in a different context.
It is never absolutely same sign
that we encounter at each moment of its repetition.
It follows that if meaning is
never fully present then human identity-
which is the result and the product of the language- is also never stable or
The ‘presence’ of identities or
meaning is an illusion, for all presence is tainted with the impurity of the
absent and the excluded.
The very term ‘ Structure’
presupposes a Unity, a centre and the
‘there is never centre without
In fact, if we did not have
margins, we cannot locate a centre.
This means the existence of the
centre is never definite and unified: it depends on the existence of the
The centre is identified in its
difference from the margin.
And in order to understand/
explain centre we need to refer to the margin.
That is, the meaning of the term
‘centre’ is differed (postponed) until we explain the term ‘margin’.
Hence meaning is available only difference and diference. To suggest the
togetherness of these two features of the sign and meaning Derrida coins the
term differAnce.
For Derrida the entire field of
signs of ‘writing’ or, ecriture. Here writing is not restricted to the graphic
sense of the word, but refers to the Figural sense: writing is the term
used to denote any system that Is based on difference and diference (differAnce).
To study such writings, Derrida
terms ‘ Grammatology’, the very science of ‘difference’.
In short.. his key ideas are…..
Identity and meaning are never stable or
Identity and meaning are based on difference.
Identity and meaning always depend on some other
term or concept which is not present in this term.
There is no final meaning because each time you
arrive at a ‘set of key terms’, or meanings, you discover that you need to move
on to more words.
· Michel Foucault and power/ knowledge
Michel Foucault was interested in
the way power structures depends upon structures of knowledge. ( arts, science,
medicine, demography) and how,Once they acquire knowledge,
creates subjects to be controlled.
Foucault’s methodology seeks to understand how some sections of the population have been classified as criminals or insane.
That is, he is interested in understanding the processes of classification that helped exclude some people from society.
Foucault argues that certain authorities who possess power in society produce knowledge about those who lack power. Such a system of knowledge is called ‘Discourse’The arts, religion, science and the law are discourses that produces particular subjects.
Let us look at a concept- map of
designation of deviance and their remedies inn histories as produced by
specific ‘authorities’.
Economist/ Social commentator
Forced Employment
Police/ Jury
Psychiatrist/ Psychoanalyst
The last column, ‘corrective’ marks the actual enforcement of power or process/ act, where the ‘authorities’ ensures that the deviance is rectified according to what they think is right.
and Knowledge produce certain category of ‘subjects’ (people) who are then
treated in particular ways:
the immoral are ‘remedied’ by priests, criminals are jailed by thelaw, the sick are treated by the doctors and insane shut away in asylums by Psychiatrist.
What happens, therefore, is
that the production of knowledge about
those who lack power leads to very effective practices of power on the part of
the authorities.Knowledge and classification
systems such as medicine, law, or religion are therefore modes of social
control. Power
and knowledge help to identify and classify individual subjects as mad or ill.The task is to analyze the working
of the power and knowledge within a social set-up.These can be at the level of the family or at the level of the
nation- state. There is therefore,
No such things as neutral or
objective knowledge because knowledge is always used to serve the interests of
the Dominant group. Now
after Foucault we know that discourse produce particular subject, who are
subjects to no control.*concept of Subaltern:-People who lack the power to
determine their lives and future are said to lack agency. They are called
‘Subaltern’.Every social formation has its own
social subalterns.The dominant groups in social
structures that construct subalterns also use particular modes to ensure that
the subalterns remain powerless.
*Ideology:-One such means of keeping the
power relation in favor of dominant category is ideology.-ideology is a system of belief
and ideas that permeates social formationsIdeology justifies oppressions and
social inequalities by suggesting that the lower classes have always been
inferior and persuades them of the validity of this belief.That is, ideology circulates as a
system of representation and images that ‘naturalizes’ oppressions and creates
the illusion that oppression is natural.
Gayatri Spivak and the Subaltern
A distinguished literary and cultural critic Gayatri Spivak utilizes methods and approach from Marxism, Feminism and Deconstruction. Her work in postcolonial studies, especially those dealing with formerly colonized nations. The ‘Subalterns’ is a term Spivak borrows from the Italian Marxist ANTONIO GRAMSCI to signify the oppressed class.
Spivak’s well known (and
controversial) argument is that “ the Subalterns cannot speak for him/herself
because the very ‘structures’ of colonized power prevents the speaking”
For the colonized woman speaking
is even more impossible because both colonialism and patriarchy ensure that she
keeps quite. The Subaltern therefore cannot represent herself.Spivak argues that the work of
intellectuals is to make visible the position of the marginalized. The
Subalterns must be ‘Spoken For’.Spivak points out that during
colonialism the British assumed the authority and prerogative to speak for the
oppressed native women.The construction of the oppressed
native woman was necessary to justify the presence of the modernizing, savior
Britisher. The
native woman apparently ‘called out’ for
liberation, which the white colonial master was supposed to provide.The nationalists also resurrected
the voice of the native woman for their own ends, but as Spivak points out , the voice of the
woman is effaced in the discourse of both nationalism and colonialism: she is
only spoken for.Building on this notion of the
Subaltern a new mode of writing history, the subaltern studies project, was
launched in 1982, under the leadership of Ranajit Guha.This project argued that
traditional historiography only celebrated the actions of the Elite.Thus, the ‘freedom struggle’, in
traditional history was represented as the story of the actions
of the selected leaders like Gandhi, Nehru and Tilak. It is ignored the peasant
and tribal rebellions that preceded the formation of the Indian National Congress.That is , such an elitist history
ignored or marginalized certain kinds of
revolt against the British in favors of the Dominant.The project therefore, explored
and recorded smaller rebellions and tried to redress this balance. It gave
voice to the subalterns within the freedom struggle.Let us look at another concept-
map of various kinds of social formations(Context) and the subalterns they construct.
Working class
Capitalist- bourgeois
Ethnic minorities
Homogenization and
In a capitalist society THE CAPITALISTS HOLDS THE POWER. The working class, toiling to generate profits for the capitalists, locks any agency, but is made to believe it is happy because Capitalism is an ideology spreads the illusion that the exploitative capitalist system is actually generous, benevolent and caring patron of the working class.
Nimesh ,,,, here u mention about Poststructuralism and Deconstruction. ur Assignment follows the design patterns nd also images , that clear ur idea for the reader.
ReplyDeleteIn this assignment you deals with all topics and and also gives view of critic. good chart is used by you and helpful for understand the topic in proper way.